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Russian MoD warn of Ukrainian chemical attack false flag plan.

⚡️Joint Coordination Headquarters of Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine

❗️According to the available information, confirmed by several independent sources, a large-scale provocation is being prepared under the leadership of the Ukrainian president's office aimed at discrediting the Russian Federation on the international scene.

◽️ In order to distract the attention of the international community from the facts of numerous war crimes committed by the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and militants of nationalist formations published by the UN, Kiev regime has planned a special information campaign.

◽️ For its implementation, within the last two weeks, in Akhtyrka in Sumy region, an allegedly ‘advanced defence line of the AFU on the line of contact with the Russian troops’ has been prepared.

◽️ The bodies and remains of dead Ukrainian servicemen, whose deaths allegedly occurred as a result of hit by ‘Russian’ artillery ammunition filled with ‘poisonous substances’, are planned to be delivered to the equipped pseudo-positions.

◽️ Kiev regime envisages the treatment of this area and the remains of the Ukrainian servicemen with a poisonous substance. This will allow invited experts from the Western countries currently on Ukrainian territory to document the alleged ‘use of 'chemical weapons' by the Russian armed forces’.

◽️ To make the provocation more plausible, Ukraine's special services have been instructed to prepare and publish on social media fake radio intercepts allegedly discussed by Russian servicemen preparing to use ‘chemical weapons’, as well as fabricated orders to receive special ammunition for Grad MLRS units.

◽️ According to Kiev regime's intention, this provocation will make it possible to launch another media campaign to discredit the Russian Federation in the Western media, including an attempt to initiate UN Security Council meeting with accusations against the Russian Federation.

Telegram: @mod_russia_en

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Taken directly from the Military Summary Channel Telegram site;
Since June 4, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have launched 263 attacks on the positions of Russian troops as part of the launched counteroffensive. All attacks were repulsed, but few people understand why the offensive of the Ukrainian army failed at its highest point.

What is the Surovikin Line?

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It’s not going to end well…

The Zelensky regime’s long term prospects aren’t looking too good, they will be removed one way or another. The civilian population may get to them first. The army may turn on them, similar to the 1917 revolution in Russia, or maybe the Americans will bump the Ukrainian President off and try to pin it on Putin. However, it’s in Russia’s interest to have Zelensky sign the surrender document, as it gives Putin the ultimate victory, displays Ukrainian humiliation and gives the surrender undisputed authority.

However it ends in Kiev, It’s going to be fairly rocky for a while, once it all kicks off.

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